Resistance, performance and style. For all activities, from trail running to technical hiking.
Leave no trace means buying less. Tailored to the demands of virtually all your outdoor activities, the Tomir is the only shoe you need. From rolling terrain to mountain peaks, including your new training program, you benefit from improved comfort, exceptional grip and high-level cushioning. Whatever your engine, the Tomir takes you even further.
''We put a lot of effort into the design because we wanted a shoe that was truly versatile. I love the rugged feel of it: durable and resilient, it fits my foot perfectly. And the grip is exceptional! This shoe can handle just about any terrain.''
– Kilian Jornet
Be fast. Go hard. Leave no trace. Our high-performance trail shoe was born from strong convictions.
Born from strong convictions and relentless research, Kjerag is our highest-performing trail shoe. It’s made by people who are as committed to protecting the planet as you are.
With it, every rider, regardless of their level, benefits from lightweight responsiveness, high-speed comfort, extreme grip and stability. Whether you're training for your first KV or standing on the podium in your 50th 100km, no one will be able to catch you.
''From athletes to designers, we came together to create a shoe that offers incredible bounce, cushioning and stability, even on the most technical terrain. I am very proud to wear Kjerag for trail races, but also for SkyRace, ultras, alpine hiking, road… in short, for everything!''
– Kilian Jornet